Library Builder


Elevate your digital ministry with our Library Builder Package, which includes all the benefits of the Weekly Sermon Package plus additional content creation designed to enrich your media library and expand your reach:

  • 12 Short-Form Videos: Beyond the weekly sermon content, we'll create 4 additional short-form videos from past messages, perfect for thematic series, holiday highlights, or reinforcing key doctrinal points. These additions to your content library serve as evergreen resources to engage and educate your audience.

  • Media Library Optimization: We'll organize and optimize your existing media library for maximum impact, ensuring your content is easily accessible and reaches a broader audience. This includes tagging, categorizing, and creating searchable descriptions & titles that enhance discoverability and engagement.

This package suits churches ready to build a substantial digital footprint and create a versatile, engaging library of content that supports spiritual growth and community engagement. If you have been broadcasting your sermons each week for more than a few months, you’ve got plenty of content to build a digital ministry library with.

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When you sign up for this plan, we’ll book a time to connect and get started.
Details to know - You’ll need to provide a video .mp4 of your sermon via a tool we will get you set up on. If you have a snippet you want to use, there will be a place for that in each week’s upload, or you can have us listen through to find the one we feel works best. You’ll also have to add me to your video hosting service (YouTube, Vimeo, Subsplash, etc) to have access to optimize your library.