I know what ministry is like

I know what it's like to lead a ministry and want to do more on social media—and the disappointment of not being able to do it all. With so much going on in church work, social media often gets pushed to the side, or worse, neglected.

With 16 years of pastoral experience, I know the struggle of wanting to lead a ministry and wanting to do more on social media.

When you're a busy church leader, it can be hard to keep up with all the changes in social media.

My mission is to help you do more on social media—and do it well—by making bite-size training, resources and done for you social videos that will engage and reach a wider audience.

My prayer is that this site will help you learn how to use social media effectively, and make sure your message reaches the people who matter most: your congregation!

Want to chat about working together?

I can come in and help your church with digital communications in any capacity, whether you’re not quite ready for a full time communications director or you’re between leaders and need to keep things going.